The Owner Sergio Boschetti, of legal age, with domicile in Las Galeras de Samana' R.D. main street, identity card 402-2089925-2 assigns in seasonal lease with the duration to be indicated to the Lessee Party, who accepts, the villa and its surroundings mentioned above. The present contract constitutes a Seasonal Lease for vacation purposes, as provided for in the Urban Lease Law, and under no circumstances and in no situation whatsoever, the lease of the object of this contract may be used on a regular basis. The Lessee Party must abandon the structure in the state in which it found it, leaving it free of effects and belongings and the services remaining in perfect condition, without the possibility of extending the same unless there is a written agreement between the parties.
The Tenant undertakes to keep the dwelling in perfect condition during the term freely agreed upon by both parties. The Tenant may not carry out activities in the dwelling that are annoying, unhealthy, noxious, dangerous, illicit or contrary to the rental regulations. The Tenant may not store flammable, explosive or corrosive materials in the dwelling and/or carry out commercial or industrial activities in the dwelling. In each dwelling you will find a regulation of common use. The Tenant will be directly and exclusively responsible and exempts the property from all responsibility for. Damages that may be caused to persons or things and are derived from installations for services and supplies of the rented seasonal house. Damage, deterioration or loss occurring in the same, whether caused by the Lessee or by persons living in the dwelling. The Lessee may not carry out any work or make any alterations without the written permission of the Lessor. We are not responsible for any damage suffered and caused by the use of common areas.
The Owner shall maintain the water and electricity supplies, gas etc., in full working order. It is still possible to use the swimming pool and jacuzzi, but we are not responsible for any damages suffered by the use of the latter.
Failure to comply with the obligation to vacate the dwelling at the time signed shall oblige the Lessor to pay, as a penalty clause, the sum corresponding to three times the daily rent, payable for weeks in arrears until the free availability of the dwelling by the Lessor, expenses and other indemnities for which the Lessor is responsible, including lawyers' and attorneys' fees, even if their intervention is not mandatory.
The parties submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the courts and tribunals of the place where the dwelling is located, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction.
Both parties ratify the present contract and sign in duplicate, to a single effect, in the place and on the date indicated in the heading.